The match didn’t impact the sixth season of the series, but Starladder TV issued the lifetime ban to the player, and handed out a 12 month ban for the team.
roX.KIS is disputing that the team threw the match, and stated it “believes in the innocence of its players and staff” and the “evidence base is very uncertain”. The team even disputes Berezin even made a bet, since the IP of the transaction wasn’t Berezin’s home.
The team also explained that they “did not have any chances of getting to the Lan finals”, with the game “just a formality.” In other words, they state they just went through the motions.
“Solo and Rox team do not agree with these accusations and we continue to ask for a full investigation of this incident(with the help from Starladder judges, players and managers of Rox, and egamingbets). We look forward to understanding of this among our fans, and please do not make sudden conclusions,” concluded the team.