Game director Jean-François Dugas at Eidos Montreal has affirmed that the upcoming Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is completely open to being ghosted, where Jensen will remain undetected through every encounter.
Also coming back are the conversation-led ‘boss battles’ where we put our charisma, or the C.A.S.I.E. augment, to the test. We got to experience these a handful of times in Human Revolution.
[center]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>As always and even on boss side, finally! “@DuBrowny: @Jeffachoo Will Mankind Divided by ghostable?"”</p>— Jean-François Dugas (@Jeffachoo) April 11, 2015</blockquote>
Yes “@Badass_Mo_Fo: @Jeffachoo Are conversation-boss-battles from #dxhr coming back? They were absolutely fantastic! #dxmd #deusex”
— Jean-François Dugas (@Jeffachoo) April 11, 2015
The same team that brought as the excellent revival of the Deus Ex series is also working on the sequel, he revealed. Also returning is the ‘Give me Deus Ex’ mode, which switched off the UI by default and would alert all enemies if one of them came across you.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided releases on PC, Xbox One and PS4 - it’s not yet dated.
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