Well, umm… sort of. If anyone was worrying that Id Software’s upcoming reboot of the big daddy of the shooter genre would skimp on the ultraviolence, I’d say we can now regard those fears as unfounded. Judging by the game’s E3 trailer, this might be one of the bloodiest games ever released.
Set, naturally, to a pumping rock soundtrack, it’s one and a half minutes of our badass hero laying waste to a horde of slavering demons, using his fists, feet, miniguns, rocket launchers, and ”Pinky, the Double-Barrel Shotgun”. I’m guessing Pinky the shotgun is probably going to be one of the more rounded, well-developed characters in the game.
Which is fine! That’s what DOOM should be, a gloriously over-the-top, non-stop festival of explosions, bursts of ichor, and severed limbs. Not a brown-grey trudge through a series of boring warehouses. At one point in this trailer, when our hero is merrily sawing a demon in half with his chainsaw, I literally laughed out loud. That’s the sort of gratuitous, tasteless fun I want from this game.
DOOM is expected to release in Spring 2016 for PC and next-gen consoles. To cap things off, here’s an extended look at one of the game’s levels, set in a charming, rural area of Hell.