Activision is apologizing for consumer confusion over the free Nuk3town DLC pre-order bonus among UK gamers who did not receive the DLC when they pre-ordered from Amazon.
The bonus was exclusive to GAME UK retailers, but the Amazon product page had the Nuk3town promotion listed. In addition, the television ads and trailers which promoted the pre-order bonus only mentioned it was exclusive to GAME UK in the fine print.
This got the Advertising Standards Authority involved, and noted that Activision made a mistake and acknowledged it. ”Having been made aware of the issues, Activision confirmed that they amended the UK ad on their website to remove references to the Nuketown offer and that they reviewed all online/social media messaging. They also said they’d been in contact with Amazon and asked that they redirect any consumer complaints to them,” stated the consumer protection agency.
Activision will not be automatically giving out Nuk3town DLC to all Amazon pre-purchasers, but a number of gamers have been reporting that the publisher’s customer support has been giving the DLC to anyone who complained about being unaware that the content was exclusive to GAME UK, even though legally they don’t have to.