Rainbow Six: Siege has been quite the enjoyable take on squad-based FPS since its arrival in December 2015. Unfortunately, the game has faced a few performance issues that keep it from being the ultimate experience it ought to be. Fortunately for PC players, Ubisoft has released a new patch today, taking aim once more at squashing players’ most common Siege gripes.
Update 1.2 was announced on Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six: Siege forum and this patch is largely concerned with fixing the spotty hit detection in the game, most noticeably with the directional facing of shields. This has been an ongoing issue for the game since its release and previous update. Ubisoft has finally and fully implemented improvements to update player positions 60 times per second vs. the previous 30. It also allows players to connect to a data center of their choosing to ensure match connection optimization.
Other changes include matchmaking, gameplay, and UI fixes and optimizations. Many of the matchmaking improvements are centered around matching attempting to match the player with their data center to ensure that all players will be connected on the same level. Also, an annoying bug in which players would be unable to move after finishing a rappel climb or descent has been squashed. The full list of notes can be found here.
Patch 1.2 rolled out on PCs today, but PS4 and Xbox One will have to wait until January 14, 2016 to have access to the patch.