Yooka-Laylee hits up the slots in this brand-new location trailer for the totally not crooked Capital Cashino zone.
Launching April 11, Yooka-Layle is the game Banjo-Kazooie fans have been waiting for - and from many of the same people who conjured up the bear and bird duo all those years ago.
In the suddenly issues trailer we're welcoming into the Capital Cashino with open arms and in the most N64 way we can think of - with a floating head in a text box spouting unintelligible noises. While a host of the game corners amusements remain open for your gambling pleasure, you're likely out there to bash a few baddies and flip some switches that look like health pick-ups from an old Turok game.
Want to check out a bunch of Paradox games at their own event? PDX CON is open to the public next year.
You're advised to stick to getting a taster for the Capital Cashino nightlight and to avoid the staff-only areas of the establishment, but you can guarantee that's precisely what you're there to do. We don't really know why just yet, but we'll be bashing our way in and out of the larger-than-life building with good reason, no doubt.
With the pre-order bonus still available, there's plenty of time to go hands-on with Yooka-Layle's 'Toybox' demo if you're interested. Otherwise, April 11 will be your first taste of nostalgic gameplay.