Fancy yourself a bit of a speedrunner? While likely not achieved through glitches and wall hacks like the original Doom title, the latest update to breakout 2016 reboot DOOM gives you the tools necessary to charge through the campaign in spectacular fashion.
Simple dubbed 'Arcade Mode', the free update landed on Steam just yesterday. In it, players begin with every gun, upgrade and rune unlocked, primed and ready to roll. Killing demons nets you points not only for the kill itself, but just how you carry out the deed and how fast you are to the trigger. Pick up the multipliers, dodge their slaps and press on to push the score counter as high as you can.
But don't build an arcade cabinet for a dedicated rig just yet; the update does a little more than that. Two new multiplayer modes, in fact. Possession sees a struggle between Marine and Prowler-kind whereas the free-for-all Bloodrush mode locks player respawns behind a constantly draining 'Bloodrush meter'. They're featured in the trailer below too.
Sharp-eyed individuals will notice a little teaser toward the end of the trailer, but should they miss it, it basically announces another update to the game's multiplayer through the Hell Followed DLC on October 27.
There's plenty of new SnapMap content today too. Want in? Fire up Steam (assuming you have automatic updates turned on). If not, just fire up the game and get ready for some downloads. It's still 50% off too!