Street Fighter V, despite the quality of its core fighting mechanics, has had a rocky launch thanks to its server issues and its initial dearth of content. Some things, like a true story mode, will eventually be added as free updates, but some expected fighting game features aren’t there and there’s no indication of when they might be added.
One of those features? Arcade mode. Yes, there are no official plans for Street Fighter V to include what has been the very first menu option in basically every home fighting game ever released. Until now, anyway.
Speaking to Forbes, a Capcom representative said “The team is looking into adding an Arcade Mode and we’ll have more information to share soon.” The same representative also suggested that difficulty sliders would be added to the existing Character Stories.
There’s been a lot of speculation that SFV was released early to coincide with the Capcom Pro Tour 2016, and it’s tough to argue given how many totally standard features are getting added down the line as free DLC. While we don’t know that an arcade mode would be a free update, it would be crazy for Capcom to charge extra for a feature that’s seen as standard in the genre.