While players of a certain doomed platform away solid news of their next being supported, the rest of those awaiting Playtonic Games' promised return to the N64-era of 3D platformers can get a quick look at the multiplayer features coming to Yooka-Laylee at launch.
Whether you'd going it alone or happen to have 3 others sitting in the same room at the same time, you'll find 8 arcade games within the Yooka-Laylee world begging to have you - or your friend's - name embedded on its local leaderboard.
Once the game officially launches on April 11, you can head on over to Rextro's arcade to find the 8 arcade cabinets in question. Race in Kartos Karting, play a round of Capture the Flag in Blag the Flag or fight to collect the quills of your enemies in Glaciators. Plenty of other arcade cabinets need to be played, but you can find out more about those in the trailer below. Just remember to come back with some play coins to power them up - there be pagies in there.
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But having 3 others on the couch doesn't mean multiplayer is tied to the multi-man antics of the arcade. Slot in a second controller to have someone work as your dedicated support team. While they won't get to control Laylee as you might expect, they can control the 'Bee Team' to store up butterflies for a tricky spot, grab quills and even halt a few traps that might be getting in the way.
If you haven't pre-ordered already, a digital order through Steam will net players instant access to the Yooka-Laylee toybox demo.