Company: 3Division Entertainment


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Air Missions: Hind

Based on the Russian Mi-24 Hind assault helicopter, also known as the "Flying Tank".

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Today’s stream is Air Missions: Hind

Today’s stream is Air Missions: Hind

Hey, folks! We had such a good time with our stream yesterday that we’ve decided to make it a daily event! You can tune into GameWatcher’s Twitch channel Monday through Friday at 8PM GMT/4PM Eastern for an hour long stream of the latest and maybe greatest in PC gaming. We’ll be hitting big new releases, indie curiosities, and Early Access works-in-progress, so be sure to have a look for first impression gameplay footage of a wide variety of titles.

Combat flight simulator Air Missions: Hind hits Steam Greenlight

Combat flight simulator Air Missions: Hind hits Steam Greenlight

Indie developer 3Divisions has announced that its military helicopter sim, Air Missions: Hind, is now up on Steam Greenlight. The game focuses on the Russian Mi-24 Hind assault helicopter, also known as the "Flying Tank". The game will feature both single- and multiplayer modes both co-op and competitive. Players can customize their Hinds as well with various mounts including UPK 23 machineguns, GUV gunpods, and FAB bombs, as well as a variety of guided and unguided self-propelled munitions.