Uniting a dying world through diplomacy or bloodshed can be quite a trying task. There’s so many things to do as the doomsday clock ticks down to the final days, hours, and minutes that sometimes you just need a little something to lessen the load or distract. Good thing Endless Legend allows for mod support. We’re here to lend a hand.
Maybe you want a little more variation in the looks and playing of your campaign, maybe you’re looking to have a shorter match that you and friends can wrap up in less than a day, or maybe you’re looking for the fast track to some serious bloodshed. Whatever your cause, we’ve sifted through what’s available to bring tribute to your leadership.
Last Updated: 19/11/2015
Palette Expansion / Created by by Crixler
Need a little extra colour to help differentiate your faction and those of your enemies and allies? Then check out this mod. It adds several new colours to the game, including yellow, brown, teal, Tyrian purple, and “shadow blue”. In addition, it also arranges color selection properly and changes yellow colours to dark grey on the fly. Spruce up your world and add a little vibrancy to all civilizations
World Generator Full Customization / by Enchanteur
Do you feel like your Auriga doesn’t have enough options in customization to really make it a world you want to play in? Are you nit-picky about the small components in between the broad ones? Then maybe this is what you need. This mod takes the regular options of world generator customization and breaks them down into separate components as well as giving more incremental options to each customization tool, allowing you to create the exact Auriga of your dreams.
Broken Lords Teleport / Created by Pikout
The Broken Lords faction is composed of virtuous folks who have lost their corporeal flesh and are spirits confined only by their knightly armour. Wouldn’t it make sense that these spirits can defy physics and warp between their own homelands? Somebody thought so, because that’s what this mod does. The Broken Lords can teleport armies between cities owned by the faction. Travel has never been so convenient for the soul-sucking cursed.
HellFrost / Created by Enchanteur
If you want to challenge yourself to the kind of winters that should really punish a dying world, then may we suggest HellFrost for your needs? With this mod, winters will become a much greater danger, impacting one of two effects over several different sets. Your armies will suffer attack penalties or their vision and movement will be dimished. Food management will become more difficult or approval will drop. Construction or science will be stifled by poor working conditions. Will you survive the winter or will you be lost in the blizzards of HellFrost?
Battle For Auriga / Created by Propbuddha
Maybe you don’t feel like playing an Endless Legend session that actually feels endless. Maybe you want to sit down, start, and finish the game in a few hours in a faster paced setting. If that’s the case then you probably want Battle for Auriga. This mod allows you to run the game in new settings that allow for a much quicker game. The game will end in half the turns of a normal vanilla game, with deeper scoring mechanics and balancing implemented to create a rewarding single session experience.
More Faction Traits / Created by Zen Tractor
Feel like supplying armies and civilizations in Auriga with few extra weaknesses and strengths? Then check this mod out. It offers several new faction traits on top of those already in the game. Make your citizens more or less vigilant. Give your Warriors a stronger swing or wimpy little weak arms. Make your populace all welcoming or xenophobic towards outsiders. Use these traits to change up your game and offer just a bit more variation to the world.
Even More Epic MOD / Created by Uploadlord27
This is a mod directed at giving you access to greater weaponry and getting right into the heat of some serious combat early. All melee weaponry will be unlocked and available to you from the start. Warhammers at the ready and spears poised, you’ll be ready to go to total war in no time. Additionally, this mod offers one unique unit to every faction and five new minor faction heroes. Skip the diplomacy. Show your enemies the meaning of war now and forever.
That should keep you sated for now, but don’t forget to revisit this page once in awhile. Auriga is a big place and more mods are bound to find their way here for your scrutiny and pleasure. Whether you’ll show your enemies mercy and diplomacy or bathe in their blood, we’ll be sure to keep our page updated with new mods sure to meet your every fancy. Weather the winters and come back soon!