Chronicle: RuneScape Legends Mods

Best mods

Workshop Examples

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

With the workshop and mod tools just having released on Steam (as of this writing), this is an opportunity to flex your quest building muscles and see what you can create! Not sure what to do? Check this out. This mod introduces two scenarios and a premade deck build as a simple offering, but also just to allow you to have a glimpse of what's possible with the new Steam Workshop tools.

Nastroth Final Battle

  • [Mod]
  • Posted about 8 years ago

Now this is a little bit of an amusing addition to Chronicle. With this mod you can fight and defeat Nastroth in a battle well before the final chapter. An interesting challenge to say the least, and you can enjoy the altered stats of Nastroth to make up for the fact that neither of you should be fighting at your fullest potential.