Darkest Dungeon Mods

Best mods

Unofficial Palette Expansion Pack

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Variety is the spice of life, even if that life is full of Lovecraftian nightmares and eldritch horrors. This mod will allow you to vary up the looks of your parties quite a bit with five new recolors for every class in the game, totaling 75 new additional variants of the overall all pool of characters. The colors might be subtle, but they'll lend a hand in both recognizing your characters among one another and breaking up the monotony.

Fully Lit Darkness

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

We understand the thrill of danger and the call of the reward, but in Darkest Dungeon, that translates a somewhat bland looking color palette when you take on that challenge in the form of a Dark Run. It's boring to stare at a monochromatic screen for hours on end, so this mod aims to keep the challenge and while maintaining visual variety by keeping lit effects on, even in dark runs. Essentially, even if you have no light, the visuals will behave and be coloured as if the torches were entirely lit up.

Goblin Slayer Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 6 years ago

This Darkest Dungeon mod is a a Bounty Hunter skin based on Goblin Slayer.

3 Trinkets

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

We know your dilemma. Do you take the trinket that reduces stress, the one that raises speed, or perhaps the protection against blight? Oh, if only you could bring all three. Well, now you can. This mod takes that extra space in your character equipment menu and puts it to good use with a third trinket slot. You can't prepare for everything that will come your way, but with this, it will be just a touch easier to say the least, being able to equip a crucial third piece of gear on all of your party members.

Level Restrictions Removal

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Perhaps one of the most dastardly of restrictions in Darkest Dungeon's design is the inability to send high-level heroes to low-level places or vice versa. Blasphemy! Who cares if your squad is too proud or too scared! You're the boss! This mod lifts the restriction, allowing to send your heroes of any level wherever you darn well please, consequences be damned!

Alternate Man at Arms Skins

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Your big honking Man-At-Arms is getting a big honking makeover. This mod offers up some new cosmetic skins for the Man-At-Arms class, featuring several different armor styles. Whether he dawns the look of a crusader or inquisitor, your burly basher is going to be bringing some extra style to every engagement.

Un-Cosmic Cosmetic Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

If you've played your way through Darkest Dungeon, you are no doubt aware of the hallucinogenic affliction that befalls you in the game's end area. It's nifty the first few times, but these types of jump scares aren't for everyone. That's why this mod is here. It is entirely cosmetic and will remove the flashing images that appear late in the game to keep your sanity a little more intact for your final challenges.

Tiefling Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 6 years ago

This Darkest Dungeon mod is a Dungeons and Dragons-inspired skin for the Plague Doctor.

Stacking Inventory

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Tired of being encumbered by unstackable groupings of the same necessary commodities or simply quest items that don't play nice together in the same slot? This mod will lend a hand. It makes various items stackable. The list is limited and the stacks are not infinite, but now things like firewood and certain quest gear will fall into a nicer, more bulky slot than previously, freeing up precious space for treasure and provisions.

Faster Combat

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Sometimes it's simply the waiting and anticipation that will drive you mad. This mod is made to move things along a bit better. With this, attack animations are quickened so that combat proceeds faster than before. Most animations outside the impactful critical hits have been adjusted to get you there in less time than they normal would, making your experience a bit faster paced. After all, there's no time to waste when you're chasing evil and insanity.