Are your cities in Cities Skylines lacking employees? Have you noticed that your financial, industrial, and office zones aren’t producing enough taxes for you to spend? Don’t worry, this is a common issue, and we’re here to help you fix it. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to get more educated workers in Cities Skylines.
How to Get Educated Workers in Cities Skylines
Educated workers are essential to your city’s success, as they produce more taxes than regular workers. Without enough educated workers, your city may suffer from abandoned buildings and an overall lack of development. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to quickly fix this issue and get your city back on track.
Invest in Education
The first thing to do is to check your city’s education levels and the number of educated workers you currently have. You can do this by selecting the ‘Education’ interface.
You will then see the number of educated workers you have, as well as the number of people who are still in school. If you have enough people in school, but not enough educated workers, you may need to increase the education levels in your city.
To do this, you will need to place schools and universities in your city. Schools are the primary educational buildings that will provide your city with educated workers, and universities will provide your city with high-level educated workers.
Increase Public Services
In addition to schools and universities, you can also place a library in your city to provide an additional boost to education. Educated workers need access to public services like libraries and universities to get the education and training they need.
Libraries will also increase the chances of students graduating from schools and universities and provide a place for students to study and research. Just remember that all these buildings require a lot of resources, so make sure you can afford them before placing them. Once established, you can increase their capacity to allow more students in.
Improve Public Transportation
Finally, make sure to place these buildings close to residential areas, as this will make it easier for citizens to access them. Educated workers need to be able to get to their jobs quickly and easily. Therefore, ensure you build an efficient public transportation system with enough bus stops, metro stations, and train lines to support your educated population.
These are the steps you can take to fix the problem of not having enough educated workers in Cities Skylines. By increasing your city’s education levels, placing libraries, and improving the public transportation network, you can have a thriving city with plenty of educated workers.
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