Street Fighter: Duel, the mobile RPG developed by Topjoy, has finally made its way to the West after its initial release in China. With cartoon-inspired visuals and a unique gameplay approach compared to the mainline games, fans may be wondering if a PC release is in the works.
A potential PC release of Street Fighter: Duel would provide fans with a taste of the franchise before Street Fighter 6 arrives on our screens in mid-2023. The mobile game offers over 40 characters at launch, including fan-favorites such as Ryu, Blanka, and Guile, as well as various playable modes to choose from.
Street Fighter: Duel PC Release Date
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like a Street Fighter: Duel PC release date is planned in the near future. The title’s western release targets just mobile devices (both iOS and Android) without mentioning any other platforms.
This means that anyone interested in playing the title as soon as it becomes available will have to rely on their smartphone.
- Street Fighter: Duel PC release date: Unknown
That being said, we have seen mobile titles eventually making their way on other platforms in the past, so there still is a chance that we’ll hear more about a potential Street Fighter: Duel PC release date in the future.
When or if that will happen is hard to say at the moment. It seems unlikely that the team behind the game will rush a PC port to launch before Street Fighter 6 drops.
Unless such a port ends up surprise launched somewhere in the coming months, we might have a long wait ahead of us.
We’ll have to be patient but, should there be anything new to report on the matter, we’ll let you know by updating this article.
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