Download Developer and Cheat Menu

This allows you to use the Developer Menu and the Player Cheat Menu. HOW TO USE: - Extract the archive to: C:\Users\\Documents\DyingLight\ - Load game - Press Esc while in-game Game version: 1.2.0 (1.2.1+ if you replace the filesystem_x64_rwdi.dll back to the 1.2.0 version, thanks to KlEii or the Dying Light Manager) I forgot to give thanks to DeadlyCobraXXX for using his Dead Island Riptide Dev Menu as reference on how to make the Dev Menu for this game. NOTE 1: IF YOU USE THIS ON THE RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME, YOU RISK GETTING BANNED, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU DO!!! NOTE 2: GOD MODE AND UNLIMITED AMMO DO NOT WORK, THE GAME DEVELOPERS REMOVED THE FUNCTIONS FOR THEM. CHANGELOG: - Made a Dev Menu at the side of the Pause Menu instead of having the Dev Menu replace the Hints Menu.

Credits: Idlehands88

File name Downloads Added
Developer and Cheat Menu Update v2-16-2-0-0-0.rar 174 16 Apr 2015