Download Ultimate Ninja and Booster mod 1.2.9

Hi all :) Ultimate Ninja and booster 1.2.8 compatible 1.5.0 version Dying Light recommended start a new game with 1.5.0 to work correctly for uninstall the mod : remove data in data3.pak in dying light game folder /DW PLEASE REPORT IF YOU HAVE DIVERS BUG 1.2.9 normal and apocalypse version : this is the lastest update for 1.5.0 Dying light , UNB 1.0 to 1.2.9 is the result of one month of work no need start a new game if you have already stars a new game with 1.2.7 , just go sleep 12 hour in game i forget to add uptade with file readme.txt (sorry) - find more basic material craft in the trash when you loot - fix missing 4 effects elemental with blueprint "poison prime" - reduce capacity ammo for firearms : pistol max 600 , rifle 900 , shotgun 180 ( you can now loot more ammo) - fix delay sprint necessary to launch a tackle , you can now instant launch a tackle when you sprint , also improved sprint speed and duration with tackle - enabled penalty on death "money" (similar to dead island ) you lose 30% of you money if you die - blueprints "all in one" and "angel sword" use now color platinum (only 2 blueprints using 4 elemental effects full level 4) - fix missing improved spawn distance between player and enemies , so now it is more challenger during main quest and secondary quest escort , secure safe zone and other , with apocalypse version more chance to find demolisher , running bomber and other special infected in all maps (depend of you progress chapter) 1.2.8 version normal and apocalypse : - first ! no need start a new game if you have already stars a new game with 1.2.7 , just go sleep 12 hour in game - improved human : agility very increased > can jump on the roof , increased detection range and reaction light ,more agressive , increased max number of human attacking you - improved zombie : more agressive , agility improved , increased distance for grab you , increased range detection and reaction light , bullet etc , increased max number of zombie attacking you > the walking dead method enabled - improved infected : more agressive , agility greatly , increased range detection and reaction light , bullet etc .. increased max number of infected attacking you - reduce frequence spawn infected ( but not in apocalypse version ) - day duration increased by 40 % and add more spawn air drop - improved flashlight hard difficulty : duration x2 , reload time 8 sec , intensity improved and now effect light blue led ! - improved loot : now you can loot food consommable on zombie and infected , you can loot ammo in toolbox , wardrobe and other , you can loot throwable weapons , on infected , human and other , you can loot firstaid in medicalbox and human and other , more chance loot quest item and crafting dna infected special , ok : global loot has just been balanced ! - green ammo unlocked in shop and also in loot - removed zombie stinger (unnecessary zombie dont move and just wait for grab) and replaced with good zombie biter ,police man or gaztank - removed effect body explode with poison (call continually infected viral) -fix little lag animation with reload weapons - reduce xp factor fighter - 25% (more ennemies) - increased xp factor runner + 50% (dangerous infected agility) - apocalypse version is now just the hell : all area spawn pool very improved and increased 1.2.7 apocalypse final : -includ 1.2.7 version -bandit is come back (only bandit melee) -if continually noise : crazy spawn infected viral (left 4 dead method) -all type infected and zombies can spawn in all map 1.2.7 version final : - included all previous version - increased elemental effect blueprints weapons : blueprints blue : +2 effects , blueprint violet : +3 effects , blueprints orange : + 4 effects - increased quantity of throwable , lockpick , firstaid , potion , grenade etc .. when you create with blueprint - improved crafting slot : green weapons = +1 ,blue weapons = +2 , violet weapons = +3 , orange/platinum weapons = +4 - improved crafting durability and handling when you upgrate weapons - balanced firstaid kit in hard difficulty : duration -100% , health regen x4 - enable sense survivor in hard difficulty - increased damage and resistance enemies in hard difficulty - increased number of infected and spawn frequence /wave/intensity in hard difficulty - increased number of repair slot weapons by color : green/blue/violet/orange/platinum - lockpick is more easy - weapons DLC greatly deadly - increased xp necessary to level up , need 3 point skill for runner ,fighter and survivor level 1 , 2 , 3 - increased quantity of throwable weapons and divers items by slot , exemple : max throwable weapons quantity is 99 by quickSlots and inventoryslot , now is 999 1.2.6 Apocalypse version : - includ 1.2.6 version - maps old town is now total war and slum also but less - replace infected viral in maps slum by infected viral old town - infected demolisher and screamer can spawn in all map - infected demolisher is now epic boss - zombie gaztank is more hard to kill - bandit melee and bandit with firearms can spawn in all map , bandit with firearm can spawn from night - remove some restriction spawn , therefore increased number of zombie and infected viral - increased quantity of health with first aid and food consommable : you're going to need ! - improved toy gun : is now mini shotgun with short range (12 m) but deadly and no need ammo - changed shot sound military rifle by shot sound police rifle - police rifle is now automatic - +2 clip size shotgun 1.2.6 is come back : -rework spawn : no delay to spawn , if you made noise with explosion , firearms and other : infected army coming , if you move infected spawn continually , stop noise > stop infected spawn. Note : no included in UNB.and.Super.Agressive.Zombies.0.03.mod 1.2.6 -improved global loot : find more divers and rare items. -improved shop : increased quantity of ammo , first aid ,throwable weapons ,material craft etc .. -official fix missing weapons level 30 in shop included. -Be the ultimate zombie : increased health , jump ,stamina ,fist damage , cooldown spitt , mega grappling and more > (but no tested in coop , only solo) -adjust ultimate grappling hook : now more velocity and acceleration stick -more events probability : save npc , patrol fighting ,escort, npc shops etc .. 1.2.5 challenger : > no compatible with super agressive zombies ! for compatibility just remove "ai" in C:\Users\\Documents\DyingLight\ data \ scripts -included 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 experimentale this last modification increased difficulty and adds other boost : -human , zombie , infected , give very more damage x2.5 -ultimate glappling hook : range x3 , high energy/regen , deadly damage on ennemi (possible one shot) -mega shield : durability greatly increased , ultimate damage elementary -last adjusted density spawn -add a different difficulty mod in optionale file : increase heal , stamina , damage for all ennemies 1.2.5 experimental : This version included already 1.2.4 final . - i rework level cap 30 survivor , now need to know if all weapons level 30 appear correctly in shops (i m not level 30 survivor for now , so i do not if work fine > please guys post for confirmed if you are level 30 - increased xp necessary level cap 25 to level 30 for survivor runner and fighter (x2), the last level 29 to 30 is x3 . if you are already level 29 , probably require start a new game - massive destruction all firearms : all firearms can now dismenber zombies and infecteds > nice carnage blood and gore - clip size +3 american pistol , critical chance + 50% - clip size +2 german pistol , critical chance + 50% - 20 projectile by shot for shotgun , critical chance + 80% - 5 projectile by shot for military rifle > tranformed mini shotgun gatling ,normal accuracy if aiming , critical chance + 25% - 3 projectile by shot police rifle , critical chance + 50% - improved all ouftit perk resistance by 10% - little more damage for human, infected, zombie (experimental) - little adjust spawn (experimental) - work level 30 xp reward from night and coop heal network friendly invite only for coming soon patch of techland (experimental) update 1.2.4 final : - i finally decided to let default level cap 25 suvivor - better improved spawn day/night , from night , nightmare aggro (but need to progress in story line) - improved skill multi-throw : increased number of target marked (+3) , you can instant marked, range x3 update 1.2.3 : -This small update adds automatically stamina , health , fitness , damage mul for level 24 to 30 of runner and fighter , while respecting those of dying light before -Remove level cap 30 survivor because the weapons does not appear on merchant ( i will work on the fix later ) update 1.2.2 : -complete rework pursuit volatile , radius x2 , more zombie transformed , decrease time to spawn : good night , good luck . Fix 1.2.1 : -problem missing agrro on day with some infecteds (sorry guys) update 1.2 : -improved blood splatter -increased spawn density , find more special infected , find more zombie , find more all ( depend on your progress in story line ) -from night improved speed move of special infected , more aggro , more dangerous ! (depend on your niv alert level and story line ) -modification fist : less damage ,but very powerfull style kick , air kick etc .. update 1.1 : Character modification : fist , kick , air kick damage/force did not work correctly with version 1.0 i add these missing files , now work fine . -increased jumping wall : 100 % Skills modification : -improved skill tic tac : "Be the spiderman" you can wall run for a very long time( left or right) jump back is doubled -improved skill takle : takle is now deadly , power increased to 500 % -improved skill slide : also deadly , power increased to 350 % -improved drop kick : increased power to 600 % weapons/ammo : increased global damage of all firearm by 10% improved accuracy for military rifle (only aiming) version 1.0 : Character modification : -increased health : 100 % -enable permanent full health regeneration but for a little long time. -increased stamina : 150 % -decreased time delay stamina regeneration : 100 % -increase stamina regeneration : 200 % -increased fist damage/force : 350 % -increased kick damage/force : 450 % -increased air kick damage/force : 500 % -increased speed move : 50 % -increased sprint speed : 35 % -increased crouch move : 50 % -increased swim move : 50% -increased jump : 100 % -remove penalty on death General level cap : -increased max level cap power to 30 -increased max level cap agility to 30 -increased max level cap surviror to 30 weapons/ammo : -increased weapons durability : 50 % -penetration bullet chance : 20 % -increased capacity ammo to 2000 -increased clip size police rifle +10 -increased clip size military rifle + 15 -increased clip size german pistol + 2 -increased clip size shotgun : + 2 Skills modification : -increased skill booster XL : 100 % , potion duration x3 -increased skill lucky repair : chance to perfect repair without use repair slot is 75 % -increased skill nimble hand : now you can instant search dead body , bag etc , with 100 % chance to find more items -increased skill light drop : you have not light fall damage Others : increased inventory size : + 6 increased FOV to 60 installation : Extract Archive to C:\Users\\Documents\DyingLight\

Credits: KlEii

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Ultimate Ninja and Booster mod 209 21 Apr 2015