Download HR Set Armor Pack

WHAT THIS MOD DOES This replaces all 7 set armors for both genders combined and packed up together. You can find the single set projects and files here: N7 - Rosenkov - Kassa Fabrication - Serrice Council - Armax Arsenal - Ariake Technologies - Hahne Kedar HR Kuwashii + reticule fix available as an optional download. This retexture is consistent with the armor retextures. Dynamic reticule has been replaced by a static one that sits closer to the iris. Due to material overlap with Garrus, his visor was fixed in accordance, having been made static where he uses Shep's reticule material. INSTALLATION HELP These textures will solely be released as a TPF. This because TPF's are more versatile than .MODs for textures and allow the user to choose whether they want to permanently apply the TPF textures via ME3Explorer, or use Texmod to temporarily apply them. It is advised you try mods using Texmod before you permanently apply mods using ME3Explorer. I've added instructions on how to use the "TPF Tools" under Articles. I've written a guide on Texmod that you can check out here. If you are new to using ME3Explorer check out the following guide. If you are applying mods to DLC, be sure to download the DLC fix. Just place the two dll's in your game's Win32 folder. overwrite if prompted. Note: It's not possible to run Texmod over a texture that was previously replaced using ME3Explorer. Note: The use of ME3Explorer requires you to back up your vanilla gamefiles. UPDATE NOTES 1.1: Reuploaded HR Kuwashii visor + reticule fix as an optional download built with rev 653. COMPATIBILITY INFO The optional Kuwashii visor mod features a reticule fix. This means the dynamic reticule was removed favoring a static one that falls lower on the visor and closer to Shep's iris. As the reticule is shared with Garrus anywhere except on the Normandy, I've had to include a static one on Garrus' visor in places. As such, installing any other mod that either affects Shep's reticule or Garrus' reticule or holographic visor textures will break this mod and leave Shepard either with a static and dynamic reticule, or Garrus completely without one anywhere outside of the Normandy. If this happens you can re-apply the Kuwashii mod to fix this. You can also opt to remove the jobs related to the reticule fix from the .MOD before running it: Upscale (with MIPs): HMM_HGR_SHPd_Visor Upscale: TUR_HED_PROGARRUS_Holo_Diff Upscale (with MIPs): Visor_Frame ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This mod was originally housed on the BSN, you can find my modding thread here. I also run a modding blog where I share mesh mods and modding resource guides. Follow me on Tumblr. PLANNED UPDATES None.

Credits: Ottemis

File name Downloads Added
ME3 HR Armor Sets Pack-134-1-1.rar 6 21 Apr 2015