Pretty self-explanatory: These are the official Wii U button icons used by Nintendo for all their games.
They've been rendered by hand by me so this is my original work.
Extract the data_01 AND data_02 packages using MGSV QAR Tool (find that yourself)
Extract all the files included in the downloaded archive in the "data_01\Assets\tpp\ui\texture\ButtonIcon" folder. (BACKUP THE OVERIDDEN FILES FIRST!)
Go into "data_02\Assets\tpp\pack\ui\gz" and extract the content of the "gz_ui_default_data_steam.pftxs" file using PftxsTool (again, google it, find it yourself)
Dwelve into the "gz_ui_default_data_steam\Assets\tpp\ui\texture\ButtonIcon" folder and extract the same files you downloaded in there. (AGAIN, BACKUP THE ORIGINAL FILES FIRST!)
Repack the pftxs file by drag&dropping the "gz_ui_default_data_steam_pftxs.inf" on the PftxsTool executable, which will repack that subpackage.
Finally, repack both the data_01 and data_02 packages using MGSV QAR Tool.
Done! Enjoy!
If you showcase this mod in one of your videos, please give credits, it would be very appreciated!
Credits: Felix Dion-Robidoux AKA DiglidiDudeNG