Download Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons (Build 14 Beta 1 Full)

The Build goes BETA at last! This file is to be installed on top of the original game - no previous modpack editions necessary. It contains all the latest fixes and updates. Being a Beta, there will still be issues. Please help us find and solve them by posting them on the PiratesAhoy! bug tracker. Installation order: 1 - Install Build 14 Beta 1 Full, following the instructions in the installer and allow it to run RunMe.bat 2 - OPTIONAL: Tweak the controls and the game's settings to your liking in the Options menu 3 - Start a new game, select a storyline and ENJOY! Tips: - If you have Windows Vista, DON'T install the game to Program Files; security measures tend to prevent the modpack from installing correctly - !!!SAVE OFTEN!!! - Check out the controls in Documentation\Default Key Assignments.txt - The game tends not to work if: . You have an Intel Onboard Graphics Card - workaround with SwiftShader, included in install . You use ffdshow and don't have the game added to your "exception list" Please note that the installer gives you two choices of alternative renderers but the descriptions appear to be reversed. These are experimental (Swiftshader to fix Intel graphics card issues and ENB a more advanced renderer) so for best results, stick to the standard mode (no graphics options checked) unless you're in a beta test mood. Features List: - New Horizons Manual document by Thagarr and Snow White Sorrow - New Horizons Tutorials & History document by Thagarr - Willemstad Builders' Trials by Snow White Sorrow . REALISTIC GAME MODE ON BY DEFAULT!!! . All ships' manoeuvring characteristics and stats historically retuned and balanced . Encounter chances of all ship types retuned for more historical accuracy . Ship types renamed and waterline values amended . In Realistic Game Mode, inertia becomes important . In Realistic Game Mode, now counter-rudder is required . More information in "Documentation\New Horizons Ship Recognition Guide.pdf" . Based on advice by Morgan Terror, Rum Runner, Bumpkin and Captain Maggee - Code updates: . Animated Interface changed to Dynamic Interface by Pieter Boelen Dynamic Interface contains transparent itemsbox interface and additional explanation texts on item icons . Wind direction log message only shown if you've got a compass equipped by Pieter Boelen . Ship Upgrades descriptions updated by Snow White Sorrow . DirectSail random ship event distances increased by Snow White Sorrow . Kraken Attack code updated by Pieter Boelen . Bronze cannons and chasers prices and balancing fixed by Snow White Sorrow . Four new special sail types added for Spain and Portugal and Sea Shepherds by Snow White Sorrow . Fire On Ship icon updated by SuperDurnius, code by Pirate_KK . Hendrick Vanderdecken set to always present by Pieter Boelen . Antigua regulating captain dialog crash fixed by Pieter Boelen . Constitution walk file fixed by Snow White Sorrow . Cannonball damage retuned by Snow White Sorrow . Brown Interface Questbook interface updated by Snow White Sorrow and Thagarr . Martinique town loading screens replaced by Pieter Boelen - Quest updates: . Assassin storyline various fixes by Bartolomeu o Portugues . Bartolomeu o Portugues storyline various fixes by Bartolomeu o Portugues . Jack Sparrow storyline various fixes by Captain Maggee . Horatio Hornblower storyline updates by Short Jack Gold - Model updates: . Two steam ships added, based on ZarethPL's USS Constitution Model modifications by SuperChango, particle code by Pieter Boelen and particle effects and support by Snow White Sorrow . New Black Pearl model by Kazeite and ZarethPL . British texture of ZarethPL's USS Constitution model by KroKoDyl, bow decoration by Snow White Sorrow . French texture of ZarethPL's USS Constitution model by Oskar94 and Takeda-One, texture integration by Snow White Sorrow . Spanish Battle Galleon model by SuperChango, texture and support by Snow White Sorrow . Kraken tentacle models added to the Kraken Attack by Iron Roger Flint . Hornblower storyline character models by Short Jack Gold . Deck location lighting files made by Screwface . English (Elizabethian) Galleon 1st person walk patch fixed by SuperChango

Credits: PiratesAhoy! Community

File name Downloads Added
b14_beta1_full.exe 6 21 Apr 2010