Yes the salivating jet-packed shooter is still firmly planted on the horizon for now as Captivate 08 revealed, also multiplayer gets the boot.
Kraig Kujawa, Capcom’s US director of design, said they needed to sacrifice multiplayer so they could ”focus on making the most kick-ass, single-player features possible.”
”We had multiplayer up and going, it was fun, and to be honest, we just could tell we weren’t going to be able to make the multiplayer game the way we wanted and the single-player game the way we wanted, so it was a really hard decision,” designer Jose Perez later told Joystiq.
”For this version, we have a million innovative things that we’re doing that haven’t been done before and we have to get those right in the single-player experience.”
It’s better to focus on singleplayer and get that great than to spread resources thin and deliver a so-so performance. Dark Void mixes ground and mid-air combat as humanity fights an alien threat we previously thought banished, just our luck.
Dark Void is being released on PC, Xbox360 and PS3 to an unannounced future date.
Source: Joystiq