Microsoft ecstatic over November’s figures for Xbox 360s sold in Europe, a whooping rise of 124 per cent from this time last year they say.
The Wii managed 43 per cent while PlayStation 3 managed only 3 per cent claim Microsoft. The Xbox 360 is outselling its rival ”week-on-week across Europe,” said Xbox Euro boss.
Even territories considered loyal to the PlayStation are embracing the Xbox 360, which are France, Spain and Italy.
”November was a very significant milestone for Xbox - we sold the most consoles ever in our history in Europe, and are outselling PlayStation 3 week-on-week across Europe,” said Chris Lewis, the European Xbox 360 boss.
”In the current economic conditions, consumers are more cautious than ever and looking for more value for their entertainment spend.”
”Xbox 360 delivers that value - we’re now the best-value next-gen console on the market and this positive momentum indicates Xbox 360 is offering the right blend of gaming and entertainment experiences at the right price,” he continued.
This is in contract to Sony’s David Reeves portraying that PS3 is the one leading Europe, though he does boast having an install base roughly 300,000 units higher than Xbox 360 and doesn’t actually mention the rate of sales.
Source: Eurogamer