Speaking with videogaming247, Ken Levine has revealed he still harbours great ”love” for Shodan and System Shock. He wouldn’t turn down a third instalment.
Levine is already busy working away on a secret project over at 2K Boston, which isn’t anything to do with BioShock 2 as 2K Marin has that covered.
”Would I turn my nose up at another round with Shodan? No,” he said.
Well that’s nice Levine but would you actually make a System Shock 3? ”Life is long. Who knows. But right now, certainly, I’m engaged with my employer, Take-Two, who doesn’t have ownership of that franchise.”
While Take-Two might not own the license, EA could soon own Take-Two - thus making it a mute point. ”I love Shodan, I love the world,” presumably speaking of the System Shock world in that last part - not our own fuzzy blue planet.
Source: videogaming247