The Guardian Interview with Peter Moore has been published with Part 3 talking about the production shocks of the original Xbox, and why Microsoft wanted Rare to help develop titles that would give a little bit more balance to the games on offer.
Talking about Rare, Moore said that: ”we’d had a tough time getting Rare back - Perfect Dark Zero was a launch title and didn’t do as well as Perfect Dark… but we were trying all kinds of classic Rare stuff and unfortunately I think the industry had past Rare by.
“it’s a strong statement but what they were good at, new consumers didn’t care about anymore, and it was tough because they were trying very hard - Chris and Tim Stamper were still there – to try and recreate the glory years of Rare, which is the reason Microsoft paid a lot of money for them and I spent a lot of time getting on a train to Twycross to meet them. Great people. But their skillsets were from a different time and a different place and were not applicable in today’s market.”
Check part 3 of the interview here, it contains some great stuff from Peter.