is reporting that Crytek will be attending this year’s ChinaJoy event, taking place July 17th to 19th in Shangahi.
Crytek will be demonstrating its CryEngine 2 technologies, the same engine that was used to develop Crysis.
”The phenomenal rate of growth of the gaming industry in China has been something we have been paying close attention to for some time,” said Faruk Yerli, managing director of Crytek
”We feel the Chinese market has a strong need for better, more flexible, and more tightly integrated development tools, and a 3D game engine that can provide a significantly more immersive gaming experience, than was previously possible with other technologies.
“We are pleased to take this opportunity to demonstrate our CryEngine 2 middleware at this critically important event, as we continue our expansion into new areas of strategic importance for our company,”
Expect more news from Crytek soon.