Manny Brown was sent a copy of Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom for the Xbox 360 to review, but he didn’t seem to enjoy the singleplayer aspects, and felt that the co-op mode wasn’t enough to brighten up this action-RPG from Micrsoft and Blueside. You can read our exclusive review here.
Conclusion (6.0):
As a single-player experience then, there are clearly not enough quality elements here to recommend above most other titles in this genre. Co-op play does lend life to the experience, and running around with friends can be a lot of fun, easing the levelling experience along the way. Story missions can also be completed in this mode, which again is a considerable bonus to progression. Overall though, CoD just doesn’t make the grade on either front. As an action game, the clunky combat under-delivers and soon becomes repetitive to the point of boredom, and as an RPG it’s severely limited by some nonsensical storytelling mechanics. Combining the two makes an interesting diversion for a little while, but certainly not something that will drive the experience forward. Disappointing on all counts then.
Read the full review of Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom on Xbox360…