Yes that’s right, an energy drink promotion between Monster Energy Drinks and Infinity Ward reveals that multiplayer map packs will arrive for Modern Warfare 2 in spring 2010.
Modern Warfare 2 themed boxes of the drink promises a load of prizes, including 100 free copies of the game to give away, 5,000 map pack codes and 10,000 dashboard themes.
”Creator Infinity Ward hooked us up with an advanced copy of MW2 and we were so stoked on the game we put it on our can,” reads every Monster Energy can, reports IGN.
Apparently those who buy Sam’s Club exclusive 6-pack will get access to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Combat Training Experience, an online event at Infinity Ward. The promotion is geared towards the console versions of Modern Warfare 2. Do you buy Monster Energy Drinks?
Activision has previously stated they will produce at least two map packs for Modern Warfare 2.