Gamers would have enjoyed two more Sim games back in the nineties if it hadn’t of been for The Sims franchise, which has since conquered the globe. Castle and colonization.
SimCastle was intended for younger fans while SimMars was designed to use real-life NASA technology and theories to call the red planet our home away from home. We’ve been robbed!
Images of SimMars were discovered by superannuation on Ward Moore’s website, a former Maxis artist. ”Two years later in 1998, SimCity3000 was shipped. With over 800 buildings to my credit, I was promoted to team lead. I would also be fortunate enough to create art for SimCASTLE and SimMARS first playable projects. (These would both be cancelled in favor of the blockbuster SIMS.)” wrote Moore.
Meanwhile artist Corey Keller has posted a number of SimCastle works on his site, showing the ”unreleased Maxis Kids title “SimCastle”. This was a cheery medieval simulator based on the popular SimTown engine.”
There’s blood on your hands Will Wright! You could have given us our dream on Mars… instead you went ahead and put together a series of games that gouge our wallets and intends to have a movie made about it. I hope you’re pleased with yourself.
Source: Shacknews