Publisher Sega is likely in some hot water with Sony Computer Entertainment America. It’s a big ‘oops’ moment as they’ve gone and published some meeting minutes online.
Revealed by the minutes are some juicy morsels. For one SCEA seem to be considering a ”special Japanese Import section” for PSN. Sony want to sell ”all PS2 titles” on PSN eventually.
The PR/marketing blunder was spotted by NeoGAF, who did the right thing naturally by shouting to the rooftops to gamers first, and perhaps sending a ‘LOL’ to Sega?
Under the heading ‘Yakuza’, it’s noted: ”Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).”
Those who might be looking forward to an RPG time of it in Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol might be a little dismayed according to SCEA. It ”felt barely RPG” revealed the minutes, ”Mass Effect felt more RPG.” These were the thoughts of product evaluator Michael Foster.
PlayStation 3’s motion controller will launch in March for Japan apparently, with SCEA agreeing to peddle the gear with ads for Sega IP that would work well with it. Sneaky.
A Bayonetta demo is ideal ”around Xmas based off a Jan 5th Ship date with 2-3 week run out to launch.” Nothing that 3-4 weeks is a great length for fresh content to be unleashed.
A Sonic Anniversary could be realised and released on Blu-ray disc containing ”all old sonic games” for about $99. SCEA would love an exclusive for this ”Best of Sonic” release.
The minutes also reveal continued PS2 emulator ambitions from SCEA, with Sega scribbling down that they want to ”sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)”.
Some DC titles likely for PlayStation 3 as Sega make a note that in exchange for ”long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.” They are going to provide them a list of upcoming DC titles to see which they’re interested in.
There’s more on the minutes list but the juiciest stuff is above, unless you really want to know that SCEA would love an Aliens vs. Predator Home theme?