The infamous Evil Chris Priestly, otherwise known as that BioWare community guy, has dropped a citadel sized Mass Effect 2 tease.
Something is going to reveal this week on the official game site. Priestly has been occupied with meetings and ”secret stuff”, he says.
”Man, so much time tied up today in meetings and “secret stuff” I didn’t get any time with ME2 at all. =( Still with the coming surprise for next week on the ME2 website, I’m sure fans will forgive me for no update,” wrote the BioWare man, on his Facebook page.
”Did I, Evil Chris Priestly, just drop a hint? Yes. Yes I did,” he continued, reports CVG.
Hopefully we won’t have to wait until Friday for this juicy goodness to drop in our laps. Recently EA and BioWare confirmed a Collector’s Edition for Mass Effect 2, along with posting the finalised box art for the action RPG sequel.