During a ThisXboxLife.com podcast, Midway’s Shaun Himmerick revealed the PS3 ”has two chunks of memory” that bit the dev team ”in the ass bad.”
He said it was easier to developer a game first on PS3, because ”if it works on the PS3 it’ll work on 360.” The Wheelman team played ”catch up” with PS3; 360 is ”easier to build” on.
”The politically incorrect answer is that the PS3 is a huge pain in the ass,” said the Wheelman Executive Producer.
”Anyone making a game, if you’re going to make it for both” next-gen consoles, he said, ”just lead on the PS3 because if it works on the PS3 it’ll work on 360.”
”The easiest way to look at it is, the 360 has one big chunk of memory, but the PS3 has two chunks of memory that in total are the same size as the Xbox, but because they’re split you can’t share memory the same way. That will bite you in the ass, and it bit us in the ass bad.”
”We had to play catch up on the PS3 because of the memory constraints and how it renders, how it processes is just different. And it’s harder on the PS3. The Xbox is just like a dumb PC, which is great because it’s easier to build a game on a PC.”
The Wheelman is being released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next month. Click here to visit ThisXboxLife.com’s podcast interview with Shaun Himmerick.
Source: Kotaku