Square Enix has provided us with some information on new DLC for Front Mission Evolved. There’s a couple that are free, but there’s also a few you’ll need to pay for.
All this DLC will be available following 2nd November, across all platforms in Europe.
Weapons Pack 1
RELEASED : Xbox 360 – 2/11/2010 / PS3 – 3/11/2010 / PC – 28/10/2010
Cut down the competition with these 3 new weapons - Machine Gun: Dark Hog, Shotgun: Blackstone, and Rifle: Sieger.
Wanzer Pack 2
Released: Xbox 360 – 2/11/2010 / PS3 – 3/11/2010 / PC – 3/11/2010
Price: Free
Crush the competition with 2 wanzers from the Front Mission franchise - the Stork Mk. IV and Tatou.
The current Stork model is based on the original parts from Freyman Corporation. Staying true to the design philosophy of the series, this contemporary model exhibits all the versatility of its predecessors, while sporting minor upgrades that allows it to compete in the modern battlefield.
Past models in the the Tatou series were designed specifically for the light recon role. The modern Tatou, however, was redesigned to become a multipurpose combat unit possessing a level of speed and agility comparable to its predecessors.
Weapons Pack 2
Released: Xbox 360 – 9/11/2010 - 240 MSP / PS3 – 10/11/2010 - €2.99 / £1.99 / PC – 10/11/2010 - €2.99 / £1.99
Blast your enemies with these 3 additional weapons - Bazooka: Rock Jack, Rocket Launcher: Wild Goose, and Missile Launcher: Goldias.
Wanzer Pack 3
Released: Xbox 360 – 16/11/2010 – 320MSP / PS3 – 17/11/2010 - €3.99 / £2.99 / PC – 17/11/2010 - €3.99 / £2.99
Smash the competition with a wanzer evolved from the Front Mission franchise’s past (Wildgoat) and 1 brand-new type (ISV-Prototype).
The Wildgoat, designed mainly as a long-range weapons platform with limited defensive capabilities, became popular among snipers and artillery specialists, for whom the ability to deliver a devastating initial strike is worth more than a few sheets of extra armor.
The ISV-Prototype was never mass-produced, and only a handful is known to exist. Built to push the limits of military-grade hover units, the ISV-Prototype is able to field weaponry comparable to land-based wanzers while still retaining the ability to move across impassable terrain.