The US court said they strongly believe his claims are ”suspect,” and that he’s been ”trolling” the industry. Langdell might face ”criminal penalties.”
Langdell and his lawyer cronies have been suing left, right and centre for any game title that includes the word ‘Edge’ in it, claiming this to be a copyright of Edge Games. Naturally this brought EA and Mirror’s Edge into his firing line.
EA said Langdell has been deceiving the US Patent and Trademark Office deliberately and it appears the US court agrees. All these lawsuits he’s been drumming up to impose injunctions and demand cash from studios may backfire into “criminal penalties.”
Publisher EA say they’re ”pleased with the opinion issued by the court. We hope that this case serves as a milestone in protecting independent developers from nuisance litigation.” Yes the word ‘trolling’ is now in the US justice system, and aptly dropped here.
Let’s hope this ends Langdell’s highly questionable Edge crusade.