THQ sold their stake in THQ*ICE back to ICE around March, who then got bought by China-based ChangYou shortly after. Dragonica Online remains.
Those Eastern MMOs are a lot tougher than they look you know - so what if its online publisher and developer collapse or get taken over? Corporate stability is for wimps anyway. Publisher Gravity Interactive will now handle Dragonica Online.
Barunson Interactive, a South-Korean studio, developed the free-to-play MMO and was THQ*ICE’s only release. Operations for the game have been suspended while they transition to the care of Gravity - they specialise in operating MMOs in the US.
”THQ*ICE was a joint venture with ICE Entertainment (not THQ’s Online studio) and we sold our interest back to ICE in March 2010. ICE then elected to shut down North American operations,” comments THQ’s Julie MacMedan.
It’s unclear exactly why the venture between the two houses fell apart.