Now the sequel is on the way what do we get to call it? Warner Bros seem to be indecisive, so naturally they pinch a load of domain names.
Arkham Asylum 2 doesn’t really fit the sequel effort from the studio given that the second game doesn’t actually take place in the Arkham Asylum itself. It kind of got a little bit messed up in the first game what with Titan-mutated plant life and all.
Some appear not to be names but rather sites designed for some viral marketing. The ever watchful superannuation got the drop on all the Internet activity from Warner.
Arkham City, Ashes of Gotham, Broken Ground, New Arkham, Grand Delusion, Rise of Arkham, Siege of Gotham and State of Villainy seem to be subtitle ideas.
While City of Arkham, Close Arkham City, People of Gotham, Stop Mayor Sharp, War In Gotham City and Where’s Bruce Wayne appear to be names for the viral sites.
Any names in there that strike your Batman fancy, videogamer? Many are eager to see if Rocksteady can pull off the same great quality a second time around. Expectations are insanely high (no pun intended) for Batman’s return to our controller pads.