It includes a ‘For You’ section which suggests shows you’d like to gorp at. There’s no decision on how users log in yet, it could be PSN linked.
News of the improved iPlayer making the trek to PS3 came from the Facebook Developer Garage, with BBC’s Simon Cross spilling the beans to TechRadar. ”We don’t know whether to integrate it with the PSN signing in process or do something new,” he said.
Social networking is integrated into iPlayer 3 with 10 percent of the beta testers using the new ‘For You’ feature. Apparently 8 percent who use iPlayer are trying out the beta version which has been up for just 25 days as of press time.
There’s still no word on iPlayer reaching Xbox 360. The contention surrounds the service of iPlayer being free in the UK, due to the TV licence fee for all BBC programming, but Microsoft would want it to be exclusive to Xbox Live Gold subscribers.