If you really want to maximise that hunter lifestyle of yours then prepare to swallow Capcom and Microsoft’s hefty ‘courses’ over Xbox Live.
The basic subscription package is referred to as the ‘Hunters Life Course’ and is available in 30 day, 60 day or 90 day flavours which go for 930 points (£7.97), 1770 points (£15) and 2520 points (£21.60) respectively.
It doesn’t stop there though because an ‘Extra Course’ is on the menu for 400 points (£3.43), granting players additional services. This topped still by the ‘Premium Course’ for 650 points (£5.57) which lets you access premium quests for only a 72 hour period.
Let’s not forget this is most assuredly on top of the Xbox Live Gold subscription fee anyway. Monster Hunter Frontier releases in Japan this week, and by the look of the prices they can keep it for themselves as no European pricing is on the books yet.
650 MSP for a ‘Premium Course’ giving you special select quests for just 72 hours? That sounds pretty harsh and big reason why many will steer clear of console MMOs.
Source: CVG