All World of Warcraft add-ons get beefed up bundles. A bulging Collector’s Edition of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty has been revealed.
”Not being a marketing dude or whatever, it really comes down to the level of fan excitement,” Blizzard’s Chris Metzen told Joystiq in an interview.
”And if it just felt like an event then that might be a nice reason to provide people a product version of it that is sexier, has deeper tchotchkes. It just all comes down, I think, to how people respond to it. It’s hard to say.” A $99 Collector’s Edition for StarCraft II’s first chapter, Wings of Liberty, has been announced for sale in the US.
It comes with fancy things like art books from the developers, a nifty battle box containing all your stuff and some exclusive in-game content. Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void are the next two chapters for StarCraft II. If you want CEs you’d best get excited.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty releases exclusively on PC mid-2010.