The name for them might change but basically they’re given to all players at the ”end of a key encounter” in Operations, and carry random chances for loot.
It seems BioWare wanted to remove the bickering that came from loot drops from major encounters in dungeons, or Operations as they’re known in SWTOR. However this system could well change altogether by the time it launches.
”Loot containers’ (name is still a work in progress!) do indeed exist and are designed to alleviate the frustration some feel around high-level loot drops,” said Stephen Reid.
”As it’s currently implemented, at the end of a key encounter within an Operation, upon looting a high-level opponent, everyone in the Operations group will get an individual container which has a chance to give you a random piece of loot that’s specific to your class.”
”It could be part of an armour set, a weapon, and so on. If you don’t get loot, you’ll get commendations which can be used to purchase gear,” he continued.
”Please note, this feature is currently in Game Testing and may well be modified before launch.” There is still no official launch date for Star Wars: The Old Republic but it does carry a tentative date for this November. Pre-orders are on fire for the MMO.
Does this loot drop container business sound like a fair system?