Sony Online Entertainment has announced that a new update for DC Universe Online is now available for download. The new DLC is titled “The Fate of the Fortress” and it brings the action to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic, as Supers and Lex Luther duke it out against each other and Brainiac’s cybersoldiers.
The update centers around the three part raid of the same name as ”fans of the Man of Steel will be treated to key areas of the Fortress, beginning with the grand entrance foyer containing statues of Jor-El and Lara (Superman’s Kryptonian parents), a trip to the Phantom Zone Projector Room, a view of the Sun Crystal Matrix Chamber, and a final battle with Brainiac’s most lethal and powerful fighting machine, the Avatar of Meta, which takes place in the Fortress’ center, the Power Core room.”
The bullet-list of features include:
* Fortress of Solitude Eight-Man Group Combat Raid: Follow Superman and Lex Luthor as they team up to defeat Brainiac and regain control of the Fortress of Solitude. Players will earn Marks of Krypton good towards purchasing new gear in the Watchtower or Hall of Doom.
* New Gear & Loot: Players can get cool new pieces to add to their Wayward Drone set in the Hive Hard Mode Alert, including backplate, thorax, faceted headguard, and gloves. Plus, the second part of the Fortress of Solitude raid offers up to 30 new weapons, completing the Prismatic set. Finally, for those who complete all the briefings in both Fortress raids, there is a General Zod-inspired Banished Kryptonian Cowl to claim for players’ valiant efforts.
* HIVE Hard Mode - Tier 2 Alert: Now offered in a “Hard Mode” version, the HIVE Alert takes the challenge to a whole new level of fun and rewards players with Marks of Distinction.
* New Batcave PvP Map: A new Batcave map brings players to Batman’s inner sanctum for a two-versus-two battle, delivering a higher level of challenge to players and more gameplay combat and fun as they battle friends in the Batcave.
* Dueling: The new dueling gameplay mode allows players to challenge another Hero or Villain to a one-on-one fight – to get started, players simply flag themselves as open for dueling and get ready to rumble.
DC Universe Online recently announced its plans to go free-to-play on the PC and PlayStation 3.