If you’re a DC Universe Online “pioneer” then you will have the opportunity to lock-in your subscription at a promotional rate of $29.99 for 3 months. That’s over 25% off the regular plan price of $41.99. If you snag the new rate then you’ll be able to keep it for as long as you are actively subscribed to DCUO. The new rate will be available on February 8th. Fine print… You’ll need lock in this rate prior to the end of the 30-day subscription included with your software purchase, or by March 1, 2011 (when the promotion ends), whichever comes first. Why? – because if your current subscription plan kicks in before you choose the Legend Plan, the $29.99 rate won’t apply until after your currently selected plan ends.
It’s interesting timing – most subscribers’ free month of DCUO are expiring about now, so Sony is trying to keep all those buyers of their game, and will keep them around another three months.