Former environment artist at Rockstar Matt Kazan wrote on his own portfolio site: ”The project had begun as a PlayStation 2 spiritual follow-up to the earlier hit ‘The Warriors’, but part way through the development cycle Rockstar New York asked us to switch Mods from a Sixth Generation to a Seventh Generation development, changing from the PlayStation 2 to the Xbox 360 as the primary development platform. Much of the content here reflects that change, with Mods being the first Seventh Generation project the team had worked on. It was a learning experience for everyone involved. The game was similar in design and style to “The Warriors” but set in 1960’s England at the height of the “Mods” vs. “Rockers” era.”
”We began our tenure on Red Dead Redemption (known as Red Dead Revolver 2 from here) at the beginning of 2008 after we had finished work on Manhunt 2 and Bully: Scholarship Edition,” Kazan continued, ”Our primary task at Rockstar Toronto was to redo much of San Diego’s earlier artwork on RDR2, mostly props. RDR2 had began as a Sixth Generation era game, and much of the content we were redoing was artwork geared toward the PlayStation 2/Xbox. San Diego was very specific on what they wanted with each prop, in many cases requesting that we did not modify the geometry on numerous assets (other assets were remodeled entirely, though). They would provide example images and specific texture sizes and time allotted for each asset that they wanted, to which we delivered.”
It’ll be interesting to see what direction We Are the Mods goes.