Newly formed developer Starfire Studios, comprised of a team of four ex-Rare staffers, have announced a new Microsoft Studios published Xbox Live Arcade title, Fusion: Genesis, which can best be described as a twin-stick multi-directional shooter. The game is a lite MMO, with an “always connected”, dynamic environment. This means the game’s universe is constantly changing and evolving even when you’re not actively playing.
The player takes on the role of one of six factions with varying ship models and beliefs - the factions range from space police to miners to pirates to military loyalists and so on. Players can engage in a single player campaign for each of the factions, engage in multiplayer combat in special PvP zones, or player co-op with friends in a horde mode filled with invading aliens.
The official trailer, which can be seen in the video below, reveals the following bullet-point list:
* An “always connected” dynamic environment
Six epic storylines
Hundreds of single and co-op missions across 23 levels
Fly over 100 ships with 1000’s of weapons and upgrades
1-4 player co-op and 1-8 player PvP gameplay