Wipe away those tears of anguish, video gamer. Capcom at least promise there’s more alternate costume DLC on the way ”in the coming weeks.” They tease those for pre-order.
The Capcom Unity blog focuses first on the ”various costumes that are available via pre-order right now.” They give us a glimpse at US retailer incentives from Best Buy, Gamestop and Amazon.
”Prepare yourself for the real fun stuff as we unveil the character packs of true alternate costumes (involving model changes) that will be available via DLC in the coming weeks,” blogged Capcom Unity. ”But before we get into those unannounced costumes (which are flat-out amazing by the way - more on that soon), today we’re focusing on the various costumes that are available via pre-order right now.”
Check out the Capcom Unity blog for the full pre-order DLC character listing. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 releases on Xbox 360 and PS3 November 15th in the US, 17th in Japan and 18th in Europe.