Developer Naughty Dog has revealed the details of the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception multiplayer beta that begins today and runs through July 13. The 1.7GB download comes with three maps and eight game modes.
The three stages of the beta include:
June 28-July 4 style=greyItalic
Gametypes: Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Arena
Maps: Airstrip, Chateau
July 4-July 8
Gametypes: Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Co-op Hunter
Maps: Airstrip, Chateau
July 9-July 13
Gametypes: Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Adventure
Maps: Airstrip, Yemen
The last two phases are open to all PS3 owners.