UTV Ignition Games has announced a new action game for Kinect, developed by Virtual Air Guitar Company, Kung Fu High Impact. The developer had previously created the PlayStation Move game Kung Fu LIVE. The game will be available worldwide in November 2011.
Kung Fu High Impact is a side-scrolling beat’em up that tracks the player’s body and pastes the player as he or she appears on the screen, and mimicks their combat movements. The game will include a story mode ”in the spirit of classic Kung-Fu films”, survival challenges, and a multiplayer mode,
”Kinect for Xbox 360 truly allows developers to push the game-design envelope with completely new gameplay concepts that appeal to a wide variety of players, and we’re elated to work with Black Bean Games and Virtual Air Guitar Company to bring this riotously enjoyable, family-friendly romp to living rooms across the Americas this fall,” said Lokesh Dhar, senior vice president at UTV Ignition Games.
One of the obvious issues that can be seen even from the screenshots is that if the game is scanning the player and pasting the player as they look on the screen, you’ll have the odd reality breaking problem of the main character always looking back at the player (since the player has to look at the screen to see what they’re doing!)
It’s an interesting game concept. Unfortunately, Kung Fu LIVE received bad reviews.