Hideo Kojima, the madman behind Metal Gear Solid, has twittered a rather teasing comment to say HD 60 frames per second ”is great!” What game is he referring to?
The only thing title that makes sense is PSP’s Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker which is heading for Xbox 360 and PS3 this November. ”Say peace!” he teased.
Already confirmed for 60 frames per second are the HD remakes of MGS2 and MGS3, although Sons of Liberty was in fact already running at the coveted benchmark. Kojima-san tried to achieve 60 FPS with MGS3 on PS2 but tech issues prevented the studio.
”Wow, 60 fps on HD is great! “Say peace!” twittered Hideo Kojima. He also linked to a shot of the Japanese version of the HD remake of Peace Walker. What more evidence could we possibly need? Will you be getting these HD makeovers?
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection releases on Xbox 360 and PS3 this November.