Simply titled MechWarrior, the game is set in the traditional BattleTech world on the planet Deshler in the year 3015. The player takes on the role of Adrian Khol, who is described as ”a wayward nobleman who prefers partying and shirking responsibility over his training and studies.” His priorities are radically changed when House Kurita launches a massive invasion to conquer Deshler, resulting in the death of his entire family.
Piranha is promising a ”dynamic-destructive urban battlefield”, with both classic and new mechs from the BattleTech universe. The game will also feature a persistent character development model. The developer also plans a single player campaign which can support co-op, as well as multiplayer gameplay.
“There are ambitious plans for this new MechWarrior”, president of Piranha Games Russ Bullock states, “We want to capture the sense that you’re piloting a giant, walking war machine in the middle of an incredibly dynamic battlefield”.
Weisman puts it best: “Nothing is ever as satisfying as unleashing the kind of firepower that only a mech contains and watching it ravage your target.”
MechWarrior is being developed for the PC and the Xbox 360.