Gears of War 3 is the latest game to utilize a Season Pass for gamers to prepay for the downloadable content for a game. Players may spend 2400 Microsoft Points ($30 USD) for the Gears of War 3 Season Pass, while will entitle them to get all four DLC packs planned for the game.
Epic promises that the 2400 Purchase will save Gears 3 players 33% of the price of buying all of the DLC. This seems to be right, if each DLC pack costs 800 MSP for a total of 3200 MSP. Buying the Season Pass would save the player 800 MSP.
Also included in the Season Pass is a special “Liquid Metal” weapon set, which will probably be cosmetic but visually striking.
Gears of War 3 is due for release on the Xbox 360 on September 20.