Back in July, the next Rainbow Six had been shown off to Kotaku, in which players had to prevent a bombing on a New York City bridge. The demo had a branching storyline, and the game itself was described as ”bigger, more gritty and more cinematic.” According to the new rumor, the plot revolves around an American terrorist group fed up with the fat cats on Wall Street, and New York is their chief target.
Intriguingly, a forum poster on NeoGAF claims, ”I can confirm it now that the next Rainbow Six will be announce on Xbox World Magazine in the upcoming month (if I understood correctly from my contact).” He goes on to claim that he has access to ”logos, arts, the covers and rendered game screens” and that ”the arts backgrounds are with the New York in fire and the renders characters are very similiar to Homefront, yet the clothes are still based with police rainbow six gears. What I understood the plot will go between a large group of revolutionary terrorists and of course the police.”
The next issue of Xbox World, the Christmas 2011 issue, will be released in November.